Saturday, November 7, 2009

such a long long day

okay, just had my dinner. oh god, im so tired. what happened at bobo's place? well, its a long story. poor bobo. haish tension aje dia kt umah. mak dia asyik lah sruh sane sini. nsib baik nana, awien and me pegi awal. bole lah jgk tolong-tolong. "AINA here, AINA there" ergh. kakak dia xde kt umah. pegi keje, tapi if dia ade pun macamlah dia akan tolong. duh -- idk lah. tapi kan org penang mmg mcm nie ke? damnn, me myself pun org penang* xde lah. its totally diff compared to kelantanese and org selangor. if diorg ade kenduri ke ape2 ke, mesti ade je org tolong buat keje itu ini. hmm, mungkin certain of them aje kot yg macam tu. xtawlah.

tapi seronok jgk tadi. basuh pggan with bobo, nana and awien haha :D main air, main air. gila betol. heee then bobo potong watermelon, saye lipat tissue (uii, kemas taw), nana potong pulut and awien pack pulut yg dipotong oleh nana. kuang3. it was fun though. i'm gonna miss you guys. btw i called bobo just now. she cried i guess. depressed! sbb mak dia and her bloody sister (Ana). oh god. sorry Ana. but i just dont like the way you treat my bobo! wekkkkkkkk x(

to my bobo : be strong okay? I love you :)

and I love you too gebu <33